Commitment to diversity is core to our philosophy.

The benefits of a diverse student population are many. We believe one of the most effective strategies to foster a greater compassion for all people is to establish educational opportunities that bring people of all backgrounds and faiths together – starting at a young age – in order to build bridges of mutual understanding and respect. When children learn and play alongside children who are different than they are, everybody wins. Perspectives are broadened. Understanding builds. Religions and ethnicities that may have once been unknown or even misunderstood are demystified. Friendships that cross cultural, religious and ethnic boundaries form.
In addition to these numerous benefits, diverse schools are vital because they better prepare students for the world of higher education and the workforce that awaits them when they become adults. Global citizenship is a 21st century skill. It includes mastering more than just one language and ensuring that children grow into adults who can engage with others cooperatively and who have empathy for — and an understanding of — people who may be very different from themselves. This is a crucial component of achieving success in the global workplace of tomorrow.
Studies have shown that diverse, integrated schools:
Encourage critical thinking, problem solving, leadership skills, and creativity.
Promote cross-cultural collaboration and equity.
Reduce racial achievement gaps.
Reduce racial bias, counter stereotypes, and build empathy.
Lead to increased academic achievement.
Reduce school dropout rates and promote college enrollment.
Encourage graduates to seek out integrated settings later in life.
Best prepare graduates to work in a global economy.